Find something you're passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it." -Julia Child

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

T minus 5 Days...

...until my 6 hour final exam.

But first things first, I finished my chocolate module finally. I am not sure that my apron or my tea towels could have handled another day of being dowsed in chocolate stains. I have to be honest with you all, as much as I loved making truffles, if I never make a chocolate helicopter for the rest of my life...well I think I will survive.

I decided that my 'sheep' looked more like a sheep with a party hat than a sheep with endearing little chocolate ears. The "charm" of my windmill became more and more "rustic" with every crack of the chocolate as our classroom began to warm up and handling chocolate became a very delicate balancing act. In case anyone was wondering, my love for luster dust has only grown and I basically will find a reason to put it on anything nowadays.

My chef says that its all about the camouflage and let me just say thank goodness for piping! A crack in your chocolate can instantly become a ribbon of finely piped shells of chocolate. 

These pieces take about 6 hours to make and while that seems like a lot...who am I kidding! That is a ton! 

With wall paper scraper in hand I headed off to my last class in culinary school. I finished with the chocolate box. 

As we toasted off our last class with a glass of white wine, I couldn't help but think of how much I have learned over the past year and half. I have learned that 6 degrees of separation is true and that checking things off my travel list only makes me add more things to it. I have realized that people are people at the end of the day and that is more than enough to find common ground to bond over. Living a nomadic existence definitely has its cons, but the pros far outweigh them. While I never thought I would be able to see everything the world has to offer when first stepping into my new life in London a little over a year ago, it only took 9 countries and dozens of international flights to make me feel like I have actually made a dent in the world.  With new friends and no dessert unturned my love for traveling and for food has only grown.

I still have the water logged portion of the ice burg to see, but what I can say with complete confidence is that I have seen some of the world and at every turn IT IS MAJESTIC.