Earlier this week I had to roast a chicken, make mashed potatoes, broccoli, and all the trimmings. It really wasn't too hard, which was nice. Well I had been in a hot kitchen with 10 other people making the same thing I was...obviously I smelled like chicken dinner. I got on the tube around 7:30 on Tuesday and it was quite crowded. There was a young business man standing next to me and about 5 seconds into our trip he said "well you just smell like Christmas dinner!"...haha awesome, just what I wanted to hear. Needless to say two showers and two days later I still smell like garlic.
Yesterday was quiche day and fruit tart day! Yum! It was really fun and I learned how to make the crust from scratch...which I have never made before. My teacher had just come from the school in Paris and did not speak English very well. Thankfully the guy I happened to be next to that day has his degree in French, so he translated for me. The chef was so nice, I just had no idea what he was saying half the time. Well this quiche has enough butter to clog all the arteries in your body and the filling had straight up heavy cream. I decided it would not be a good idea to take this home with me. I always see a few homeless people in the tube on my way home. Of course the one day I want to get rid of something they are not there. At my tube stop I finally saw one and gave him the quiche. He was very grateful. He did ask me if it would still be good in an hour because that is when he got off...sweet, I just gave my quiche to a professional beggar. Oh well, maybe I impacted him through my quiche Lorraine!
Only had one class today and we learned about puff pastry, crepes, and brioche. I am thinking it will also not be a good idea for me to take that home tomorrow. After class my friend Jasmine, Carmen, and I went to a little cafe/specialty cheese shop...I don't know why, but cheese keeps appearing in my blog. Anyways, it is SO cute and they have all kinds of crazy things like candied lilac blooms. After that we went to a few specialty kitchen stores to get a few more things we needed. I got to talk with some friends on skype tonight and that was really fun. More to come!
Was the business man cute?